SCUBA Diving

SCUBA Diving

Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus



National Association of Underwater Instructors

Portofoliu Scuba Diving

Portofoliu Scuba Diving

Bine ati venit la Marine Explorers Dive Center!

Marine Explorers Dive Center - Cursuri scafandri - Scufundari de agrement

Marine Explorers Dive Center este unul dintre cele mai vechi centre de scufundari din Romania, infiintat din pasiune pentru lumea subacvatica de catre un grup de prieteni si dezvoltat in jurul unuia dintre cei mai calificati si mai experimentati instructori subacvatici din tara.

Ce va oferim?

  • Instructori cu experienta
  • Centru de scufundari
  • Peste 25 de ani dedicati scufundarilor
  • Cursuri SCUBA Diving
  • Prietenia noastra
  • Scufundari pentru scafandri certificati
  • Pasiune pentru lumea subacvatica
  • Scufundari pentru neinitiati
  • Profesionalism si determinare
  • Expeditii dedicate pentru scufundari
  • Clubul pasionatilor de SCUBA Diving
  • Magazin echipamente scufundare
  • Evenimente
  • Consultanta achizitii echipamente
scafandri marine explorers

Instructorii nostri sunt calificati pentru o gama larga de cursuri pentru scafandri, atat nivelurile de incepatori si neinitiati cat si pentru avansaţi si au o mare experienta ca scafandri profesionisti si in lucrul cu incepatorii.

Sute de studenti au trecut pragul centrului de scufundari din Vama Veche si au fost facut primii pasi sub apa alaturi de instructorii echipei Marine Explorers.

Cineva a spus odata “Once a marine explorer, always a marine explorer” si nici o fraza nu poate descrie mai exact atmosfera calda, prietenoasa si in acelasi timp profesionista in care se desfasoara cursurile de scufundari la Marine Explorers Dive Center in Vama veche.

Locatia de scufundari este una dintre cele mai interesante de pe litoralul Marii Negre, peisajul subacvatic combinand intr-un mod unic fundul pietros cu nisipul, dezvoltand o flora si o fauna subacvatica deosebita.

In fiecare an plecam in gasca mare in expeditii pentru explorarea marilor tropicale, bucurandu-ne de fiecare clipa petrecuta sub apa si savurand minunatiile subacvatice.

Dupa absolvirea cursurilor de scufundari organizate la Marine Explorers Dive Center in Vama Veche, veti pleca nu doar cu certificatul de scafandru, veti fi mai bogati sufleteste alaturi “familia” Marine Explorers.

Marine Explorers Dive Center - Cursuri scafandri - Scufundari agrement

National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI)

National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) este una dintre cele mai importante asociatii internationale de brevetare a scafandrilor și instructorilor de scufundare la nivel mondial, infiintata inca din anul 1960.

Scopul NAUI este de a permite oamenilor sa se bucure de activitatile subacvatice cat mai sigur posibil, oferind educatie practica de cea mai inalta calitate si de a promova in mod activ conservarea si protectia mediului subacvatic din lume.

NAUI antreneaza, califica si certifica lideri si instructori, stabileste standarde minime pentru diferite niveluri de pregatire a scafandrilor si ofera diverse programe, produse si materiale de sprijin pentru a ajuta liderii si instructorii NAUI cu supravegherea si predarea scufundarilor. Scopul principal al NAUI se reflecta si in motto-ul asociatiei, „Siguranta scufundarii prin educatie”.

Reputatia globala a NAUI pentru cele mai bune produse de formare si educatie reflecta valorile noastre de baza ale pregatirii de scufundari de calitate prin educatie. Multe organizatii aleg in mod special NAUI pentru programele lor de educatie pentru scafandri, inclusiv Walt Disney World Resort din Orlando, Florida, echipele Navy SEAL ale Statelor Unite si Laboratorul de flotabilitate neutra al NASA din Houston, Texas (SUA), unde se antreneaza astronautii.

Marine Explorers Dive Center este destinatia perfecta pentru pasionatii de scufundari care viziteaza Vama Veche. Cu o experienta vasta in domeniu si o echipa de instructori profesionisti, ne angajam sa va oferim cele mai memorabile experiente subacvatice.

Mircea SumanMircea Suman
15:37 25 Sep 23
Exceptional! I recently took the NAUI Open Water course under the guidance of Marine Explorers Dive Center instructors and I am happy to share my positive feedback on the whole experience.It was very easy to register and schedule for the course and it was well structured, I felt that the information was connected, presented logically, exemplified. We had the opportunity to openly discuss any questions and concerns with the instructors who showed patience and made sure that we assimilated all the necessary knowledge.Hats off to the practical exercises, here the instructors showed their pedagogical skills, I had some difficulties in breathing underwater without a mask, but the instructors helped me through several exercises and assistance to overcome these problems and gain confidence.Last but not least, the atmosphere was super cool, so it was time gained not only through the knowledge and skills I acquired, but also through the fact that I had a pleasant company.
Laura SpiridonescuLaura Spiridonescu
11:17 13 Sep 23
I was afraid to dive and Marine Explorers team helped me overcome my fear and have a wonderful experience! I got my Open Water Scuba Diver license and now I prepare for the first Red Sea safari 🙂 Thank you Nicu. Andrei, Mihai, Razvan and Vali!
Roxana GrigorasiRoxana Grigorasi
12:01 06 Sep 23
Smaranda MihaelaSmaranda Mihaela
06:47 05 Sep 23
Mărdărescu NicușorMărdărescu Nicușor
06:19 02 Sep 23
Marine Explorers Dive Center - true professionals! I recommend with confidence.
Marian IgnatMarian Ignat
12:54 01 Sep 23
Totally recommendable! The best dive center in Romania!!I get the NAUI Advance Scuba Diver certification together with my son, which was an amazing experience! Very friendly and professional staff and dedicated diving instructors. The equipment was in good condition and everything was explained well and clear.The instructors from Marine Explorers are the best, acting to your personal needs and helped out with any problems immediately.Thanks Nicu and the entire Marine Explorers team!!!!
Monica BurlacuMonica Burlacu
05:16 30 Aug 23
Everything you can feel when you are immersed underwater comes into sharp focus and suddenly you’re more than aware of how movements connect with each intake of breath, if you are lucky enough to have trainers like Marine Explorers. It’s a great experience if you want to discover yourself and what your body can do. For sure my experience was that great because of the Marine Explorers’ team. Andrei turned my “cannots” into “cans” while Nicu explained us the importance of physics principles. Thank you guys for pushing us to achieve incredible results.Best,
Ana ComesAna Comes
10:15 29 Aug 23
Doing the NAUI SCUBA Diver course with the instructors at the Marine Explorer Dive Center in Vama Veche has been one of the most rewarding experiences!! Throughout my training, I've gained access to self-study material, as well as clear instructions and explanations on how to use the equipment and handle common problems. Not only did the highly trained instructors create a positive learning environment, but they also supported me constantly during the dives, monitoring me closely and suggesting ways of improving my basic scuba dive skills.Hats off to the entire scuba diving team!!
Cristian SpiridonescuCristian Spiridonescu
10:11 29 Aug 23
My wife and I, we started as rookies, ended up with an Open Water Diving certificate in one week. A beautiful experience made easy only by the super-professional team at Marine Explorers. Very important their help, in a very relaxed and constructive, friendly atmosphere. We will keep doing this for as long as they will be there to guide us. Thank you Nicu & TEAM! :))))
Ion TrintisIon Trintis
19:01 28 Aug 23
Marine Explorers is a great place to learn diving for the following reasons:1. Instruction quality is ensured by the very experienced diving instructors which outside the time they spend at Marine Explorers are military diving instructors and leaders. You cannot get better instructors than that, highly skilled and well organized people that take care you learn to be safe under water. And very nice people, which are very friendly and helpful with everything.2. Kind and flexible management and instructors, easy to work with and flexibility in the plan for your diving course based on weather conditions and your own availability during vacation.3. No shortage of equipment, you will find everything you need, even for my XXL size.4. Reasonable cost.5. Possibility to join fantastic diving safari in Egipt (diving heaven) after you get diving certification.I will highly recommend you choose Marine Explorers for your diving course, recreational diving, technical diving, etc.The guys here are diving experts!

Formular programare scufundare

Va asteptam cu drag la Marine Explorers Dive Center in Vama Veche pentru a descoperi minunata lume subacvatica.
In cateva secunde puteti face o rezervare online si in cel mai scurt timp un instructor va verifica disponibilitatea intervalului orar.

Formular inscriere curs

Incepe acum aventura ta in lumea subacvatica, inscriindu-te la cursurile de SCUBA diving organizate la Marine Explorers Dive Center in Vama Veche!
Completand formularul, veti primi imediat instructiunile de inregistare si un instructor va va contacta pentru a stabili detaliile.

NAUI Worldwide: The Definition of Diving

Marine Explorers - Liveaboard, Egypt, 2015

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NAUI SCUBA diving logo
NAUI scuba diving
NAUI scuba diving

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